Helping preserve the place you cherish
or by appointment (EXCLUDING HOLIDAYS)
What You Missed at the Menasha Library
Our staff of volunteers periodically rotates display items at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library in Menasha.
The display case is located by the Library of Things in the Reference Section.
This page is dedicated to sharing those memories in case you missed them when they originally appeared at the Library.
January 2023: 150 Birthday
Our first display in 2023 featured a preview to the 150th birthday celebrations for the cities of Neenah and Menasha. The next two years will feature unique programs and celebrations in each city.
February 2023: Calling All Angels
Next, two plaster bas-reliefs created by Menasha-born artist/sculptress Jean Pond Miner Coburn were the highlight of the February display. The two plaster reliefs had not been on display for more than 30 years. Jean is most remembered as the sculptress of the Forward statue in Madison but these reliefs were part of the Women's Club in Wilmette, Illinois.
April 2023: Planes and Trains
Planes included photos gathered by Board member Dave Olsen and Trains included miniature award winning representations of the Menasha train depot by former railroad employee Ronald Griem.
July 2023: George Banta Publishing Company
This display features information on the George Banta Publishing Company, established in Menasha in 1901 and closed in 2006. The display included a 100th anniversary bowl, portrait of founder George Banta, Sr., information on the company, and the Trivial Pursuit game which was assembled in Menasha.
September 2023: Patchwork Pieces of Menasha
Sometimes we have random pieces in our collection that need to be shown. These items showcase some of the unique pieces we have at the Menasha Historical Collection.
November 2023: Happy Holidays Menasha!
This collection of holiday themed items is part museum collection and part personal collection. The volunteers at the Menasha Historical Society wish our friends and family a Happy Holidays!
January 2024: Happy Birthday Menasha 150 and Leap Year 2024!
The city of Menasha is celebrating it's birthday in March 2024! This display celebrates the event as well as 2024 being a leap year (Feb 29). Check out the small details next time you are in by the microfiche reader.
Bonus January 2024: Button Display
Look behind the check out area of the Library as well - to check out this fantastic Menasha button display! Our good friend Jacy Park set up this display. In 2024, you can start your own button collection from area businesses and nonprofits. To find out where to get a lanyard and buttons - visit the Menasha 150 website today!
March 2024: Menasha Crockery - Hometown Baking
This is our final display as the Elisha D. Smith Public Library starts their renovations. We are celebrating the fun of baking at home - including Menasha store patronage souvenirs as well as the items from Grandma's kitchen.